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This site is South Africa's Artificial Recharge Information Centre.

It contains information particularly relevant to South African conditions on Artificial Recharge (AR), Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR).

This website was set up by Groundwater Africa (GWA) for South Africa's Department of Water Affairs (DWA) to ensure greater awareness of, and utilisation of, artificial recharge as a water management strategy.

Its designed as a resource for hydrogeology and engineering students and their lecturers, and as an information centre for municipality and department officials, water engineers, consultants and anyone else involved in water resource and supply management.

The site is managed on behalf of DWA by Groundwater Africa and if you have any feedback or requests about the site, or any questions on artificial recharge, please contact us by emailing 

Mr Fanus Fourie (DWA) 
Dr Ricky Murray


(click on the button below to start the animation)

animation button

The Powerpoint Presentation below gives a rapid overview of
key AR information and resources available from this website

Powerpoint presentation



Updated: Feb 2011